Unit Conversion

In physics we use the metric unit system, also called SI units (System International). Here is a list of the basic SI units (m, kg, s, A, mol, K, and cd) and the metric prefixes:

Unfortunately, there are many many other units in use, mainly in the USA, the only country in the World that tolerates this confusing non-metric array of units. To make sense out of all of these, you need quick conversion engines that are able to transform units into each other and give you the conversion factors. These are provided here.

List of javaScript unit conversion engines:

For your convenience, here are also direct links to the conversion engines, sorted alphabetically by the symbol for the unit:

A: A, Å, a, ac, at, atm, au,
B: b, bar, bbl, Bq, Btu,
C: C, °C, c, Cal, cal, cd, cl, cm, cm2, cm3, ct,
D: d, deg (°),
E: erg, eV, eV,
F: F, °F, fl oz, fm, ft, ft2, ft·lb/s,
G: g, gal, Gy,
H: H, h, ha, Hz,
I: in, in2, in3, inHg,
J: J,
K: K, kcal, kg, km, km2, km/h, ktTNT, kW, kWh,
L: l, lb, lb/in2, lm, ly, lx,
M: m, m2, m3, mbar, mile, mile2, min, ml, mmHg, mol, MPa, mph, ms, m/s, MW,
N: N,
O: W, oz,
P: p, Pa, pc, pt, psi,
Q: qt,
R: rad, RT,
S: S, s, sm, Sv,
T: T, t, Torr,
U: u,
V: V,
W: W, Wb,
Y: y, yd, yd2,

© W. Bauer, 1999

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